Designed from the ground up as a ‘one-stop-shop’ for site selectors, real estate consultants, businesses and economic development partners, Buildings & Sites is a state-of-the-art digital platform dedicated to helping businesses expand and locate in the four-state Entergy region.
Search for properties anytime, anywhere, from your desktop or mobile device.
Set search areas by selecting communities or drawing custom shapes.
Fine-tune your results by size, location, keyword, listing type, transportation proximity, site/building features and more.
Analyze against FEMA flood zone, national wetland inventory and more using demographic layers and base maps.
Select ready-made reports or create your own using an intuitive drag and drop interface. Build and save reports by drive-time, county, metropolitan area and more. Powered by Esri technology, detailed demographics data is available across all key statistic categories.
Customize Buildings & Sites to be consistent with your brandand focus on your specific region
Are you a real estate professional or property manager and want to add your listings?