Last month Entergy New Orleans reached a milestone approval for an innovative urban solar energy solution – a $15 million project to construct 5 MW in aggregate of utility-owned, distributed-scale solar photovoltaic systems.
Secured by long-term leases, these systems will be located on customer-owned rooftops across New Orleans. Entergy New Orleans …
Site selection is one of the most critical decisions your business can make, and Entergy’s new, high-powered tool is up to the task. Our Site Selection Center, Buildings & Sites, is easy and intuitive to navigate. Among thousands of properties across Entergy’s four-state service area, your top matches are quickly …
The saying “seeing is believing” explains why video is one of the best ways you can – in just a matter of minutes – see if an industrial site or building, along with its community and resources, might be the perfect match for your business.
Videos are a very effective part …
Twenty years ago, Michael Porter, a Harvard Business School professor, published a groundbreaking article entitled “Clusters and the New Economics of Competition.” In an increasingly globalized economy where goods and services could theoretically be produced anywhere, he wondered why industries clustered in specific locations.
The reasons he found were compelling:
Companies …
Originally posted on The Vicksburg Post
Parents of Vicksburg Warren School District students will soon have the chance to participate in a workforce development course offered by the VWSD and based upon the Leader in Me curriculum and VWSD career academies.
Through a partnership with the Mississippi Department of Human Services …